About Us

We're a group of Experts in Business Process & Technology

with a shared mission to create business sustainability for fast-growing family businesses in Indonesia
Dua orang ahli business proses dan teknologi sedang berbicara di kantor sambil duduk

Our working style.

Obsessive to Meet Client's Goals
Our focus not until Go-Live, but to until the business obtain the goals metrics. That's why we never recommend our solutions to clients if we know it will never works to meet their goals.
Driven by values
We listen before we speak. We analyze before recommend any solution. We communicate in a clearest way possible.
Use the real business knowledge
We use our experiences and knowledges of business process, operational management and accounting skill to do the real consulting work, not merely doing installation and training of software.

Growth-oriented companies trust Themis Bizpro Integrasi (TBI)

Business facts that proves our expertise
industri bisnis


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Clients in 4 years
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Our Business Facts.


Years Established

10 years

Average consultant experience


Clients are Family Businesses
Our team

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Grow your business rapidly with a streamlined operation.